À la mémoire du distingué juriste canadien et conseiller scolaire catholique, l’honorable juge James Higgins (1903-1974), de St. John’s, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, le conseil d’administration de l’ACCEC décerne annuellement un prix à un individu ou à un groupe, pour souligner sa contribution exceptionnelle à l’éducation catholique au Canada. Le prix Justice James Higgins constitue le plus haut honneur attribué par l’ACCEC. Il représente une reconnaissance de la contribution extraordinaire de son récipiendaire à l’éducation catholique au pays.
Name | Province | Year |
Julian Hanlon | Ontario | 2024 |
Albert Provost | Saskatchewan | 2023 |
Joan Carr | Alberta | 2022 |
Archbishop Donald Bolen | Saskatchewan | 2021 |
The Sisters of St. Ann – St. Joseph’s Community | British Columbia | 2020 |
Tony Sykora | Alberta | 2019 |
Sr. Teresita Kambeitz | Saskatchewan | 2018 |
Most Rev. Bishop F. Henry | Alberta | 2017 |
Kevin Kobus | Ontario | 2016 |
Dr. Bonaventure Fagan | Newfoundland | 2015 |
Kevin Feehan | Alberta | 2014 |
Greg McNally | Ontario | 2013 |
Regis O’Connor | Ontario | 2012 |
Norm Bethune | Ontario | 2011 |
Patrick J. Daly | Ontario | 2010 |
Archbishop Joseph N. MacNeil | Alberta | 2009 |
Julian Paslawski | Saskatchewan | 2008 |
Louise Ervin | Ontario | 2007 |
Thomas E. Owens | Saskatchewan | 2006 |
Dr. John J. Flynn | Ontario | 2005 |
Joan Cronin g.s.i.c. | Ontario | 2004 |
Lois Burke-Gaffney | Alberta | 2003 |
Dennis Wasylyniuk | Manitoba | 2002 |
Msgr. Dennis Murphy | Ontario | 2001 |
Dorothy Fortier | Saskatchewan | 2001 |
Institutes of Consecrated Life of Canada | 2000 | |
Archbishop Marcel Gervais | Ontario | 1999 |
Wendelin Herle | Saskatchewan | 1998 |
Fr. Thomas Mohan | Ontario | 1997 |
Gerry Fallon | Newfoundland | 1996 |
Bishop James Mahoney | Saskatchewan | 1995 |
Archbishop Adam Exner | British Columbia | 1994 |
Mike Van Adrichem | British Columbia | 1993 |
Rev. Raymond Durocher, O.M.I. | Ontario | 1992 |
Chris Asseff | Ontario | 1991 |
Mrs. Yolande Gagnon | Alberta | 1990 |
Philip Hammel | Saskatchewan | 1989 |
C. Frank Furey | Newfoundland | 1988 |
Molly Boucher | British Columbia | 1987 |
Frank Chad | Saskatchewan | 1986 |
Rev. P.H. Fogarty, C.S.C. | Ontario | 1985 |
Joseph C. Stangl | Manitoba | 1984 |
B.E. Nelligan | Ontario | 1983 |
Brother Augustus F. Brennan | Newfoundland | 1982 |
Mr. Justice Emmett Hall | Saskatchewan | 1981 |
His Eminence, G.E. Cardinal Carter | Ontario | 1980 |
Rev. Clement Kindervater, O.M.I. | Alberta | 1979 |
Mr. Edward J. Brisbois | Ontario | 1978 |
Mr. Patrick J. Enright | Ontario | 1977 |
Dr. J. Martin Le Boldus | Saskatchewan | 1976 |
Mr. Justice James D. Higgins | Newfoundland | 1975 |
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