The Board of Directors and Executive host board meetings three times a year to review past and upcoming events, provincial reports and any other business related to CCSTA and Catholic education in Canada. This is this month’s highlights.
Virtual AGM/Convention 2022
Once again this year our AGM and Convention was held virtually. The professional development component was held on June 2 and featured two excellent speakers. Spencer West’s presentation, entitled “Redefining Possible”, challenged all of us to redefine what is possible by simply focusing on what is possible as opposed to all the reasons something isn’t possible. Our second presenter was His Eminence Gérald C. Cardinal Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec and Primate of Canada. His excellent presentation answered many of our questions about the Synod 2021-23. He reminded us that Pope Francis has encouraged all Catholics to be part of this important process.
Our annual business meeting was held on June 3. Over 100 delegates joined us each day.
Trophy Challenge
Each year a trophy is awarded to the individual school board or division in the fully funded provinces that raises the most money per capita based on FTE enrolment. A second trophy is awarded to the province that raises the most money based on provincial FTE enrolment.
President Daly congratulated the winners for 2021-2022:
School Board/Division:
- 1st place – Prince Albert RCSSD No. 6 (SK) – Winner
- 2nd place – Hamilton Wentworth CDSB (ON – OCSTA)
- 3rd place – St. Thomas Aquinas RCSRD No. 38 (AB/NWT Yukon)
- 1st place – Saskatchewan (Winner)
- 2nd place – Ontario – OCSTA
- 3rd place – Alberta/NWT/Yukon
President Daly thanked all those who contributed so generously to the Toonies for Tuition campaign.
Board of Directors Update
As per our by-laws, President Patrick Daly and Vice President Teresita Chiarella will continue to provide us with excellent leadership for the remaining year of their two year mandate. The list of 2022-2023 Board of Directors can be viewed on our website under the “About Us” tab.
CCSTA thanked Leanne Prince (OCSTA) for her service and welcomed Mark Mullan (OCSTA) to the board.
CCSTA continues to increase our social media presence by adding Facebook and Instagram accounts in both English and French.
Colleen Easson (BC) agreed to chair the Communications Committee for the 2022-2023 year.
Charitable Foundation
For the 2022-2023 school year, the Charitable Foundation will distribute $76,800 in tuition assistance. Unfortunately, like many charities, Toonies for Tuition donations were down due to COVID-19. These Catholic families have sacrificed much in an effort to ensure their children have every opportunity to hear the gospel and grow up in the Catholic faith. It is our heartfelt desire that we will be able to ensure that no Catholic family who wants to send their child to a Catholic school will be turned away. We are hopeful that fundraising initiatives will resume to their past levels once the pandemic is over.
The Endowment Fund Committee reviews and distributes the funds based on the Endowment Fund Guidelines. Committee members consist of Tom D’Amico, Chair (ON), Gerald Bernakevitch (AB/NWT/Yukon), Marino Gazzola (ON), Delmer Wagner (SK). Administration: Julian Hanlon, Jean Montminy.
In lieu of an AGM Registration Fee, CCSTA invited members to consider helping Canadian Catholic Education by donating to our Toonies for Tuition Campaign.
Budget 2023
The board and membership approved a balanced budget of $295,248 which included a 0% membership fee increase.
Audited Financial Statements
The board and membership received the 2021 audited financial statements. The association ended the year with a profit of $49,862, largely due to all meetings being held virtually due to COVID-19.
Political Advocacy
The next Lobby Week will be held in January/February 2023. CCSTA encourages all trustees and school board representatives to reach out to their local MPs. CCSTA can provide support, if required.
Future AGM Dates
The 2023 AGM will be held in Saskatoon, SK on June 1-3, 2023, hosted by Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools.
If interested in hosting our 2024 AGM, please contact the CCSTA office.