Government Relations

At our 2023 AGM, held in Saskatoon, SK, the membership unanimously passed two resolutions urging CCSTA to petition the Government of Canada to:

  1. fund a National Nutrition Program and
  2. mandate age verification laws and to regulate the algorithms technology companies use to amplify and recommend harmful online media to students under the age of 18.

See letters to MPs and Social Media platforms below:

The Goal of CCSTA’s Government Relations Committee is to enhance strategic government relationships

Plan of Action:

  1. Have president and executive director attend parliamentary prayer breakfasts
  2. Share information on government relations with provincial associations 
  3. Host meetings between the executive director and provincial associations at least once per year
  4. Engage in activities relation to advocacy (E.G., create mailouts, participate in meetings with MPS)
  5.  Encourage all trustees to engage with their members of parliament (MPs) 
  6. Encourage all members of our CCSTA Board of Directors to annually develop a local engagement strategy.