The Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association is a national organization promoting excellence in Catholic education throughout Canada.
CCSTA represents seven provincial and territorial Catholic school trustees’ associations in Canada. In turn, these associations represent over 90 Catholic school boards, which educate more than 850,000 students in almost 2,000 schools from Vancouver, British Columbia to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Yellowknife, Northwest Territories to Windsor, Ontario.
CCSTA works closely with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic organizations and the federal government to enhance and promote Catholic education. The Association also provides assistance to Catholic school trustees and parents so they can fully participate in the Catholic education process in their communities. In addition to its commitment in advocating for the faith formation of our children, CCSTA also provides opportunities for school trustees, staff and supporters of Catholic education to deepen their faith. One way in which the Association does this is through its publications and documents, which may be viewed under the Resources tab on this website.
The Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association works with Catholic partners across Canada in providing our Catholic students with exemplary places where they may learn in their faith. The journey and accomplishments of the Catholic school, over the past two centuries, have been integral to the growth and spirit of Canada. Each school will continue to be, as our motto states, “a learning community enlivened by the spirit of Christ.”
The CCSTA has three standing committees: Conventions and Finance, Resolutions and Political Affairs, and Communications. Committee mandates outline the work of each committee.
Learn more about the value of membership in CCSTA.
The story of the Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association is an inspiring one, from the Association’s earliest days to the present.
In 1958, the need for Catholic trustee representation at the national level became quite evident. Bernard Kane, President of the Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association, travelled from coast to coast urging Catholic trustees to attend the Canadian School Trustees’ Association Convention in Victoria. It was hoped that, as members of CSTA, Catholic trustees would have at least some representation on the Association’s Board of Directors. Yet it did not happen.
Catholic trustees responded. Father Clement Kindervater, OMI, Executive Director for the Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association , crossed the country to drum up support for a national Catholic trustees association. In 1960, with the blessing of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, twenty-eight trustees passed a resolution effectively beginning the Canadian Catholic Trustees’ Association (the word “School” would be added later). A new era in Catholic education in Canada had begun.
The Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association can take great pride in it accomplishments over the past fifty years. From the earliest thoughts of possibly forming a national organization for Catholic trustees through to 2010, there have been challenges, setbacks and successes, as in the life of any group. Amid triumphs and defeats one constant has remained – trustees across this great land have stood in unison to proclaim and protect Catholic education so that students might have the opportunity to learn within their faith. This has not always been an easy road to take, but that is the nature of sacrifice and dedication.
Want to learn more about the CCSTA’s history? Order our 50th Anniversary History Edition: A Legacy of Faith.
Vision & Mission
Enlivened by the Word of God and our tradition, we promote and protect the right to Catholic education in Canada. We speak as one.
The CCSTA works in communion with the Catholic Church through:
- Collaborating with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops;
- Dialogue with Catholic education organizations throughout the world;
- Working in solidarity with Catholic School Trustees’ Associations and other partners in Catholic education throughout Canada;
- Providing opportunities for faith formation and professional development of trustees;
- Providing leadership and service by promoting and protecting the right to a Catholic education among the relevant government agencies within Canada;
- Promoting excellence in Catholic education throughout Canada.
For more information, please refer to the CCSTA Brochure, Vision to Action Plan and the CCSTA By-Laws.