We represent seven provincial and territorial Catholic school associations across Canada.
Together, these associations represent over 90 Catholic school boards, which educate more than 850,000 students in over 2,000 schools across the country.
We currently operate with three part-time staff, the Executive Director, Executive Assistant and Communications Officer who serve the day-to-day needs of CCSTA.
Our Board of Directors meets either virtually or in-person at least three times a year and our subcommittees meet on a more regular basis to ensure the continuation of projects throughout the school year.
If you’d like to contact one of our directors, please email our general inbox at info@ccsta.ca or contact an individual association through the websites listed above.
The CCSTA works in communion with the Catholic Church through:
Collaborating with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops;
We work closely with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic organizations and the federal government to enhance and promote the mission of Catholic education. The goal of each of our partnerships is to foster connections in support of Catholic schools so that its fruitful legacy and life-changing mission remains protected within Canada.
While passionately advocating for the faith formation of our Catholic school students, we also provide opportunities of faith formation for school trustees, staff and supporters of Catholic education to deepen their own faith.
Though Catholic school boards in each province and territory vary in size and structure, we strive to foster a unified voice by offering opportunities for trustees across Canada to connect, be encouraged and be supported. A fundamental aspect of our work is in working towards a common understanding of Catholic Identity and a shared vision for the future of Catholic schools in Canada.
The journey and accomplishments of the Catholic school, over the past four centuries, have been integral to the growth and spirit of our nation. We see the need more clearly than ever to unify our efforts and draw strength from our national unity. While our secular culture increasingly devalues the significant contribution of Catholic schools, we want to highlight their contribution to our history and promote its crucial role in the future of Canada.
In 1958, the need for Catholic trustee representation at the national level became quite evident.
Bernard Kane, President of the Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association, travelled from coast to coast urging Catholic trustees to attend the Canadian School Trustees’ Association Convention in Victoria.
The response was not immediate but interest was sparked by Canadian Catholic trustees across Canada. By 1960, after two years of discussions, meetings and collaborations, with the blessing of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, twenty-eight trustees passed a resolution effectively beginning the Canadian Catholic Trustees’ Association (the word “School” would be added later).
A new era in Catholic education in Canada had begun.
The Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association can take great pride in its accomplishments over the past six decades. From the earliest thoughts of possibly forming a national organization for Catholic trustees through to present day, there have been challenges, setbacks and successes. Amid triumphs and defeats, one constant has remained – trustees across this great land have stood in unison to proclaim and protect Catholic education.
You’ll read up on school success stories, provincial reports and much more news related to Catholic education in Canada.
Canadian Catholic School
Trustees’ Association
Enlivened by the Word of God and our tradition, we promote and protect the right to Catholic education in Canada. We speak as one.
#205, 9940 – 106 Street Edmonton AB T5K 2N2
© 2025 Canadian Catholic School Trustees' Association.