As we wrap up the 2015-2016 school year (how did that happen?!), we know that a lot of you are already in the planning phases for the upcoming academic year.
School may start in September, but many boards are reviewing plans and ideas now.
That’s why we want to put a little bug in your ear about including Toonies for Tuition in those plans.
You’ll have plans for fundraisers as well as Catholic education outreach and awareness, and CCSTA would be thrilled if you included Toonies for Tuition on your calendar for fundraising efforts.
Here are a few examples of how people have fundraised for Toonies for Tuition:
-Students at St. Joseph’s Secondary School in Cornwall, Ontario hosted a dress-down day for the regularly uniformed student body. They raised more than $1,000.
-An elementary school hosted a dance in which half of the proceeds went to Toonies for Tuition (the other half went to the playground fund).
-Other schools have hosted coffee houses, spaghetti dinners and “get out of class” fundraisers in which the fund raised went to Toonies for Tuition.
-The Province of Saskatchewan has donated $2.47 per pupil in the 2015-2016 academic year!
The cause goes to directly help students attending Catholic schools in partially or non-funded provinces. The money raised from the Toonies for Tuition initiative goes toward tuition costs for families who could use the financial support.
Here are a few testimonials from families who have benefitted from these toonies:
“I am a single mother, working full-time to support my children and myself. It is a struggle and any assistance to help with tuition for my boys would be more than appreciated.”
“It is important to me that my children receive a Catholic education. My faith has given me strength during tough times.”
“I am trying to provide a good home, but find it difficult to pay (Catholic School) tuition fees along with keeping a roof over our head and keeping up with the bills.”
Want to learn more about how you can bring Toonies for Tuition into your school hallways?
Here is a resource list:
Toonies for Tuition Fundraising Guide (18 page PDF document).
Sample event budget (use this format as a guide to create a customized event budget).
Sample donation request letter (use as a guide to create a personalized letter).
Advertisement for school or parish newsletter: available in English and French.
Catholic education funding and enrolment in Canada
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