The Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association hosted its annual spring conference in early March, and ACSTA President Sandra Bannard says it’s an important component allowing trustees to reconnect.
“The conference was part of our ongoing professional development and faith formation for trustees,” she explains.
A conference highlight was keynote speaker Jerry Goebel. Jerry has worked with youth and young adults for more than 30 years, 20 of which have been spent focusing primarily on bringing the Gospel to at-risk youth on the streets or in the juvenile court system. Jerry developed ONEFamily Outreach which trains mentors to work with disconnected youth, with the goal to connect kids to community and communities to kids.
He has a lectionary-based bible study and travels extensively to teach groups how to become more effective in empowering young people to become a positive influence within their communities.
Sandra said Jerry brought a strong message to the ACSTA trustees.
“He certainly reminded us of the importance of having the entire community work together to achieve student success,” she said.
Jerry shared with them the Golden Greeters program used in Regina schools, in which seniors welcome students to school every day.
It’s a concept that impressed Sandra and her colleagues.
“That level of community engagement and interaction will foster both positive relationship building and provide additional adult interaction that does not draw on limited resources,” she said.
ACSTA Launches New Website
In other ACSTA news, the organization recently launched its re-vamped website which includes a video message from Bannard. The website also contains its bi-annual publication, the Catholic Dimension, promotes upcoming events and there is also a members’ login site. To see the website, visit the ACSTA at www.acsta.ab.ca. You can also follow them on at Twitter at ACSTANews.