CCSTA is reminding students and their families to keep the Endowment Fund top of mind this month, as the deadline for applications is set for March 31.
Applications for receiving the tuition assistance will be accepted until the end of the month. The Endowment Fund is in place to help elementary and secondary school students attending Canadian Catholic schools pay their tuition in Canadian provinces which receive limited or no public funding. The Fund contributes specifically to tuition costs, distributing such funds to students annually.
The fund was established almost a decade ago. Each year since the fund was established, the number of applications and amount requested grows, illustrating the need for CCSTA’s continued support in the program. Requests for tuition assistance typically exceed the amount of money that is available. Since its inception, CCSTA has received more than 380 student requests totalling more than $780,000.
John Stunt, executive director of CCSTA, said the association has so far been able to distribute $231,800 in tuition assistance. “We know from conversing with recipient families and individuals that the Endowment Fund money makes a tangible, significant difference towards providing Catholic education to those in need,” Stunt said.
After the application deadline of March 31, the Endowment Fund Committee decides where the money will be allotted. The committee operates at arms-length from the CCSTA Board of Directors and reviews all the applications to make informed choices in May. The schools are notified by late June if the student applications to the fund were successful. Once fall attendance is confirmed, assistance is then distributed by the committee, with the money being sent directly to the student’s Catholic school in September. The committee is comprised of four members hailing from provinces with full funding.
Individuals may apply through the Catholic school they are attending or plan to attend.
The application includes a letter portion for individual students, which should be a maximum of 600 words. The letter should outline the student’s reasons for applying, special circumstances, personal involvement in school and parish activities, and faith commitment. The application may also be accompanied by a supporting letter.
For more information regarding the application process and how to apply, please visit the CCSTA website.