Former CCSTA Executive Director John Stunt passes away

CCSTA Remembers John Stunt

It is with great sadness we share that former CCSTA Executive Director, John Stunt, has passed away.

Surrounded by his family at his Pembroke, Ont. home, Mr. Stunt passed away on Thursday, July 23, 2020.

Mr. Stunt’s involvement in Catholic education in Canada will be remembered as a lasting legacy, particularly amongst his CCSTA colleagues.

 “For all of us that were able to get to know him, work with him, play with him and just be around him, this is truly a sad day,” says Michael St. Amand, who served as CCSTA President during Mr. Stunt’s tenure. “He taught me so much when I was with him, and I will always remember our times together fondly.”

Mr. Stunt served as the CCSTA Executive Director from 2009-2015. Prior to that, he served as teacher, school and board administrator, and as the Executive Director for the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association.

Since its inception in 1960, CCSTA has had Executive Directors (in earlier years, the position was Executive Secretary). The Executive Directors have been John Middleweek (1960-1977), Fr. Patrick H. Fogarty (1977-1985), Dr. B.E. Nelligan (1985-1992), Dr. John Flynn (1992-2004), W. Gregory McNally (2004-2009) and John Stunt (2009-2015).

Mr. Stunt retired from CCSTA in 2015.

CCSTA’s current Executive Director, Julian Hanlon, says he admired Mr. Stunt for his contribution to Catholic education in Canada.

“When I served as the Director of Education with the Ottawa Catholic School Board, I was lucky enough to connect with Mr. Stunt as we worked in the same building together,” says Mr. Hanlon. “I witnessed a leader who ensured that there was a consistent conversation happening across the country about Catholic education’s impact and importance for each and every student. CCSTA is the national voice for Catholic trustees, and Mr. Stunt certainly ensured that voice was heard during his time as the Executive Director.”

Mr. Stunt lived in Pembroke, Ontario and leaves behind his wife, Marnie, four children and grandchildren. He will be remembered as a caring husband, father, grandfather as well as a good friend and colleague.

“I have fond memories of the times we had together,” says former CCSTA President Ted Paszek. “He was a great support to me in my time as president of CCSTA. John was a wonderful leader for Catholic education and he will be missed. He left the world a better place. Our prayers are with Marnie and the family. May he rest in peace.”