Happy Thanksgiving!
As we’re one month into the academic year, CCSTA has a lot to be grateful for this time of year.
Here’s just a sampling of our gratitude:
The foliage: There are few better sites than witnessing the fall colours come alive. The reds, oranges and yellows brighten the landscape, and we appreciate the season’s message of transition, change and comfort.
-Our Directors: When it comes to demonstrating a keen passion for Catholic education in Canada, we don’t have to look much farther than at our Directors’ table. Each Director represents a region of our country; each with their province’s own challenges, and each with their province’s own successes. Regardless of their funding status, the provinces work hard to ensure Catholic education remains an option for children here in Canada. It’s a lot of hard work, and how can you not be grateful for those special people?
-Soup: Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned homemade soup this time of year? Our favourite: carrot ginger. What’s yours?
-Political Planning: We’ve been working on the planning phases for our MP outreach program. We’re just about to release those plans and we’ll let you know as soon as we do.
-Toonies for Tuition: We’ve been getting outreach from schools across Canada, outlining their plans to host a Toonies for Tuition fundraiser. We can’t wait to hear all about them, and Thanksgiving weekend is a great time of reflection when thinking about what Toonies for Tuition can do for a family. And speaking of which…
-Family: Whether you’re hosting a Thanksgiving dinner, planning a Facetime session or getting together with good friends, there’s usually a common theme for this weekend: love. This is a time when you spend (or think about) those whom you love. Whether it’s your immediate family or friends who are like family, Thanksgiving gives us that chance to reflect on those who play a valuable role in our lives. We also keep many people in our prayers, including our Vice President, Tony Sykora, and his family.
These are just some of the things that make CCSTA so grateful. From good friends to good food to good family, we pray you’ll have a wonderful Thanksgiving.