Listen Up: US Podcaster Interviews CCSTA on Catholic education in Canada

CCSTA Executive Director Julian Hanlon sat in the interviewee chair last month when he chatted with American education superintendent and podcaster, Timothy Uhl.

Calling it Catholic School Matters, Uhl recently launched a podcast to help Catholic educators learn and gain insight from leaders from across the country and the world.

Uhl aired his interview with Hanlon in February and they chatted about the Canadian Catholic education system.

With American Catholic schools receiving no public funding, Uhl was interested to learn about how Catholic schools operate across Canada.

Hanlon provides a general overview of how Catholic schools run in each province and territory. They then delved into how school boards connect with the Catholic Church and the provincial government particularly when developing policy for the Catholic schools. They also hit on maintaining Catholic identity, French Immersion programming and the Toonies for Tuition program.

Hanlon’s 36-year-long experience working in the Catholic education system made him well versed to answer the questions and provides Uhl’s listeners with insight on the Catholic education framework across the provinces and territories.

Take a listen to the interview on Timothy Uhl’s Podcast.