Journey with us across Canada to learn more about your Canadian Catholic Educator ‘Neighbours’ through this CCSTA Member Highlight series!

Our CCSTA Membership spans across Canada and serves more than 850,000 students from coast to coast.

Because of the varying funding structures, agreements and unique traditions of each Catholic School Board and province or territory, our Canadian Catholic schools represent a diverse landscape of Catholic education. 

From fully independent to fully funded schools, school boards with thirty students and others with thousands, trustees who are elected and others who volunteer – our aim at CCSTA is to connect Catholic School Trustees and Board Members, support excellence in our Catholic schools and strengthen the unity of this broad Canadian mission of Catholic education.

We’re delighted to be presenting The Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association (ACSTA) and their tremendous work in supporting the Catholic schools of Alberta. 

Alberta is one of three Canadian provinces with a fully funded Catholic school system and represents the second largest Catholic school student population in the country. 

ACSTA exists to advocate for, support and provide faith formation and fellowship for the trustees working in their Catholic school boards. 

A significant testament to their excellent work, Alberta Catholic schools are currently ‘bursting at the seams’ and navigating all of the demands of rapid growth and enrolment from families in Alberta wanting to choose Catholic schools for their children. Read more about that here!

“The central focus of Catholic education at all levels is Jesus Christ. Every Catholic school is ordered towards Him. Our schools strive to manifest His presence and teachings in the education of children entrusted to our care.”

ACSTA Website

A look at the numbers in Alberta…

438 Schools from K – 12
Nearly 180,000 Students
24 Catholic School Boards

A brief history…

The Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association (ACSTA) has been the voice of Catholic school trustees in Alberta, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories since its establishment in 1966. 

Originating from the Alberta Catholic Education Association in 1946, its purpose has always been to address Catholic concerns at the provincial level. In 1958, with the support of the Bishops of Alberta, trustees gathered to form a provincial association. Initially a Catholic zone within the Alberta School Trustees’ Association (now ASBA), ACSTA later became an independent entity.

 Officially incorporated on May 19, 1966, ACSTA continues to advocate for Catholic education with a dedicated team, building on its rich history of representation and service.

Funding Structure

Fully funded.

Protecting the Catholic Identity of Schools

Knowing the key role of teachers in preserving the Catholic identity of schools, ACSTA hosted a symposium around teacher faith formation in February 2024.

After collecting key information and data from participants, Dean Sarnecki, Elk Island Catholic Trustee, began developing a guiding framework for Catholic school boards within Alberta on the topic of teacher formation. 

ACSTA is eagerly anticipating this report and looks forward to sharing with CCSTA members upon completion. 

While ACSTA has a new strategic plan in the works, a key aspect will be incorporating the findings of this new report, building relationships with politicians and articulating and celebrating the Catholic identity of schools.

Diocesan Involvement

A vital component of ACSTA is the relationship with Alberta Catholic Bishops and preserving the important position of Bishop Liaison on their Board of Directors. 

The position is currently held by Archbishop Richard Smith, Archdiocese of Edmonton, who provides regular updates at their quarterly board meetings. 

ACSTA executives and staff regularly meet with the Bishops of Alberta, North West Territories and Yukon to maintain strong relationships, collaborate on initiatives and provide support where needed.

Goals of the Association

Developing a new strategic plan is at the forefront of the goals of ACSTA this year. Once the plan is developed, new and specific goals will be identified and pursued for the next three years.

The ongoing and overall goal of ACSTA remains: ACSTA is committed to a unified voice providing spiritual and political leadership for publicly funded Catholic education.

Challenges Faced by Catholic Schools in British Columbia

Catholic schools in Alberta are navigating significant growth pressures as many families in the province are seeking a Catholic education for their children. Funding has been secured to build three new schools in Alberta to accommodate the increased enrolment, however,  Catholic school boards are facing the budgetary complexities of rapid growth and the reality of operating at above-capacity in many schools.  

Teacher Faith Formation is always top-of-mind for ACSTA. Plans and strategies are always ongoing to find new ways of engaging new and incoming teachers to ensure they have the support they need to teach in Alberta Catholic Schools.

Catholic Education Week

Typically in May but will be changing to the Fall for the first time in 2024.

Learn more about ACSTA here:

Thank you to ACSTA for sharing with us an inside look at Alberta Catholic Schools!