Greg McNally Announces His Retirement from CCSTA

Greg McNally, Executive Director of CCSTA, has announced his plan to retire, effective December 31 of this year.

Mr. McNally had succeeded John Flynn (1992 – 2004), with his first task the moving of the CCSTA office from Toronto to Ottawa. From there he set about reaching out to the Catholic School Boards throughout the country.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my years with CCSTA,” says Mr. McNally. “The role allowed me the opportunity to maintain close contact with the Catholic community I already knew, and to meet so many people who became my friends during our work and time together. I will certainly miss the people, but I know that Catholic education is in good hands across our great country.”

In his position as Executive Director, Mr. McNally played a key role in overseeing a series of very successful annual conventions in Cornwall, Edmonton, St. John’s, Sault Ste. Marie, Brantford, and Victoria. He facilitated the renewal of the vision of CCSTA. He worked harmoniously and effectively with the provincial Catholic education associations, the office of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, his counterparts in the national public education associations, as well as with the National Catholic Education Association in the United States. He oversaw the national Toonies for Tuition campaign designed to assist financially needy students in provinces with no or partial public funding.

“It is difficult for us at CCSTA to see him go,” said President Regis O’Connor. “In the five years he has been with us, Greg has made an invaluable contribution to this association and to Catholic education in this country. We wish him all the best in the years ahead.”