How does your school or parish plan to celebrate Catholic Education Week?
The 2017 CEW theme and its five sub-themes are drawn from three contemporary Catholic documents that address the need for reconciliation and renewal – in our lives, with our families, in our relationships with others and in our relationship with our environment and our common global future.
With that, we know that you’ve got some memorable plans to honour Catholic Education and we want to hear from you! Please include the #CCSTA hashtag when you post your good news pieces to Twitter. We’d love to share the inspirational ways you’re celebrating this week.
In the meantime, here’s the Catholic Youth Day Prayer which is beautifully phrased when honouring Catholic Education Week:
Catholic Youth Day Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. +
Lord God,
We gather today to celebrate our Catholic education along with students from all over Ontario. We thank you for always being by our side, both in times of stress and in times of joy. Together we pray that under your watch, you help us make the right decisions, guiding us on our path to you.
You are our teacher of truth, love and wisdom. Enlighten and guide us so we can achieve excellence in our journey with our faith. Unified in your name, we seek to be better stewards to one another.
Help us to work to our full potential as students, children, and as friends. Let us grow in wisdom and reflect your image in all that we do.
Teach us to love and respect the dignity of our peers as we live the message taught to us by your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. We ask you to pray for all who support us in Catholic education – our parents, teachers , EA’s , ECE’s , custodians, secretaries and support workers, administrators, consultants, trustees , board of education leaders and our clergy.
We pray that you watch over us as we continue our journey of faith and education. Let us follow in your footsteps during hardship and our decisions. Continue to shine light upon your children’s lives as we grow in your image. We pray that you unify us in faith and sameness.
Thank you for our community of faith and for the educators who guide us through your teachings. Lord, thank you for giving us the opportunity to explore our faith, not only in school, but in our parish community. Through you we are capable to grow in Christ.
Oh Lord, we ask that you keep us in your thoughts and bring us closer to you through your teachings this Catholic Education Week.
We make this prayer in your name.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. +
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